Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Media Affect Culture and Community Research Proposal

Social Media Affect Culture and Community - Research Proposal Example With newspapers printed daily, they inform the public of previous occurrences. Therefore, the public is acquainted with the information and events that are occurring all over the world (Loch et al, 45-63). The non-print media consist of broadcasts that are made via the television, internet, and radio. The teens and adults have adopted and utilised the social media in a fast manner. This is in reference to information technology that has rapidly grown in the last decade. A community is defined by people’s culture. This is because; this culture enables them to create social norms that are acceptable by culture. The Arab spring is as a result of the impact social media has had on culture and community. The six neighbourhood necessities included health, safety, economy, environment food, and children. Therefore, to harmonise all these, social media come in handy. The creation of a virtual community has resulted into myriad results. In some, it eliminates the five senses present wh en talking to someone personally. Meanwhile it makes some people become more outgoing because; they are comfortable communicating through the net. I will, therefore, emphasize on the effects of mass media on culture and society by explaining and define this theme for greater understanding. Background The Arab Spring is a groundbreaking wave of demonstrations and protests that have been witnessed in the Arab world since late 2010. This has resulted into rulers being forced from power in countries such as Tunisia and Egypt. This is, in addition to, Libya that faced the same with the death of their president late 2011. Social media were so significant in the organisation, communication, and creation of awareness of these uprisings. The Arab awakening in Egypt started in January 2011, and it resulted into the Hosni Mubarak’s government being overthrown and later Mubarak charged in court. Statement of the problem Mass media participates and assumes a vital responsibility in people ’s lives. We are, therefore, manipulated in the preferences and aspects that we always perceive as crucial in daily lives. With the development that has occurred in the media following globalisation, one would wonder if it Is beneficial to the community. There are numerous views concerning the mass media acting as a means of for rational debating featuring the scope of biased and cultural viewpoints (Dubai school of government, 1-30). Therefore, the study of versatile dimensions of film, internet, and broadcasting continues to convey extensive control and global reach that is characterised by many effects and impacts (Dubai school of government, 1-30). After witnessing the powerful nature of media and how it has been in the Middle East, this has resulted into this significance of social media being held on a pedestal. This has propelled the Arab spring forward, in addition to, the function it has played in bringing a formidable change to the ordinary people in the street. Thi s is because of the availability of mass media among people that have seen a large percentage of people own mobile phones. This has resulted into free and fast flow of communication leading to exposure of anomalies in the society. The research will thus be a step forward in determining the extent of social media on culture and community. Purpose of the study By focusing on the effects of mass media on culture

Monday, October 28, 2019

Margin Call Essay Example for Free

Margin Call Essay J. C. Chandler’s 2011 film Margin Call examines the actions of an investment firm’s key decision makers during the earliest stages of the most recent financial crisis. Chandler does a good job with the characters of this movie he isn’t necessarily looking for a villain in a mess like this nor any lengthy explanations; he’s going deeper than that. He goes more for societal costs of high finance, the power of self-rationalization, and the easy embrace of personal corruption. The movie is filled with business lessons that go beyond the investment world. One theme of the film centers on business ethics and whether personal interest should trump customer/employee investment. Clearly, the decision made by John Tuld and senior management demonstrates that everybody is out for themselves. Personal investors are at the mercy of the individuals and the firms they invest with. The ease with which Tuld makes his decisions is scary to any business ethical viewer. With unqualified statements such as, â€Å"its just money† the audience begins to understand that the financial system can be an unfair game. In contrast Peter’s boss, Sam Rogers’ ethical implications of how the company plans to resolve its problems are almost more than he can handle. Sam stumbles upon the issue triggering the crisis, it’s one thing to be shocked at the ramifications of what’s about to unfold. But it doesn’t mean one’s outrage can’t be set aside when personal survival is on the line, an attitude that he quietly maintains but isn’t afraid to tap when the need arises. Moral ethics are thrown out the window in order to salvage a firm that has taken on too much risk in order to increase profits and inflate employee earnings. Management is willing to do whatever it takes to save themselves and protect their personal assets. This includes liquidating entire departments, and ruining the integrity of their own employee’s careers in the process. This film had several big ethical messages from it. In addition, there were many smaller points and messages the film showed. One in particular was the way that the employers used an employees entitlements as leverage to coerce them into doing what the enterprise requires. However, things such as stock options, pensions, bonus promises, and health care plans are simply paper assets. The promise that stands behind them can be broken and that paper is completely worthless at the order of those employers or in other words, blackmail. Ethics never loses its relevance. It must be told and retold as, too often, the mportant lessons that it imparts individuals and institutions unwillingly set aside. Ethical lapses can lead and have led to the irrevocable damage of a firm, its employees and clients. If there are any ethics in the business world, the company’s plan for survival is unethical. But in a world that lacks options, there is only winning and losing. Some of the characters struggle with the little emotional and psychological life they have left. But their choice basically comes down to money or no money. One thing that we must remember from this film is not just the ethical decisions made by the upper management but who is affected by these choices made by upper management. The most damaging fallout from all this is on those who didn’t see any of this coming, mostly the investors and the firm’s employees. Those who had the least involvement in all this mess are hurt the most in terms of financial losses. Even if it may seem like the employees’ participation was limited, they are nevertheless part of all of it, just by the inherent connectedness to the overall whole. Just because they weren’t the ones making the decisions doesn’t mean the decisions made by upper management won’t hurt them. This film is a reminder that business and moral ethics can easily be lost in the shuffle when billions of dollars and entire companies are at stake. Tuld is willing to kill the market to protect his interest, without concern for the company’s investors or even the strength of the global economy. When money is no longer an issue, you lose all concern for the individuals who do not hold the same viewpoint.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Women Characters in My Antonia and Giants in the Earth :: Willa Cather O.E. Rolvaag

Women Characters in My Antonia and Giants in the Earth Many women characters appear in fiction who have been damaged by or disintegrate under the stresses of life. Just as in life, however, many fictional characters survive, adapt, and triumph; these characters may never be recognized within a larger world, but they are vitally important to other characters and are the objects of deep love and respect. Creating this woman in fiction can often be difficult, because the writer must present a whole character, not one trivialized by sentimentality or stereotyped by convention. Willa Cather in My Antonia and O.E. Rolvaag in Giants in the Earth have developed such characters. As Michael Peterman points out, Antonia is "a celebration of vitality and of human potential within the context of natural and mortal limitations" and teaches us to "value the irrepressible, genuinely generous, life enhancing aspects of human nature" (98). Antonia also shares these characteristics to a large degree with another fictional character, Rolvaag's Sorine from Giants. Both women emerge as people of great strength, women who are touchstones for those around them. Before considering the similarities, it might be well to review the apparent differences between Sorine and Antonia. In the first place, there are differences in their style. Sorine appears to be a conventional, Old World peasant woman fulfilling conventional roles: devoted mother and loyal wife, helping her husband achieve his dream. Furthermore, we see her only as a mature woman. In contrast, because we follow Antonia's development to maturity and centeredness, we see sides of her life which we can only speculate about in comparing her to Sorine. For example, Antonia works first as a boy might in her family's fields. Then she is brought into town to learn more "proper" roles--housekeeping skills. In town she gives herself to the social pleasures denied her thus far in life and eventually falls prey to the blandishments of an unprincipled charmer. When that relationship ends disastrously, she makes a new life for herself, marrying and happily raising a large family. At this point she is clearly important, not only to the narrator, Jim Burden, but also to many others. Life's path may have been different for her than for Sorine, but its destination was the same: the esteem, admiration, and love of those she held dear .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intelligences and Michael Jordans Career :: Basketball Science Papers

In Creating Minds, by Howard Gardner, three organizing themes are introduced. Gardner proposes that the creative activity of an individual is broken down into relationships: between the child and the master, between an individual and his work, and between an individual and other people. When studying Michael Jordan, three key moments in his life appear to represent these three principles and explain his success. First, proof of his level of dominance should be presented. Michael Jeffrey Jordan has experienced success at the highest level of his domain. Jordan began his career as the National Basketball Association Rookie of the Year in 1984-85. He led his team to six NBA championships, and was named the Finals Most Valuable Player each time. Jordan won ten scoring titles, including seven straight from the 1986-87 to 1992-93 season. He also received the regular season MVP five times. In the year 2001, a panel of sports experts was organized in order to vote for the greatest athlete of the twentieth century. This distinguished 48-member panel voted Michael Jordan number one ahead of such greats as Babe Ruth and Muhammad Ali. What does it take to be the greatest? In order to be a master of any domain, you must possess an added characteristic that your peers do not. There may be another person who can jump as high as you can, or who can run as fast as you, or who can bench press more weight than you. But you can make sure that there is no one who practices more than you. The ability to push yourself to your limit and maybe a bit further is going to give you the advantage over your competitors. This is an aspect of the intrapersonal intelligence discussed by Howard Gardner is his book Creating Minds. I propose that Michael Jordan’s success is not solely due to his athletic ability, but rather to the interaction between his bodily/kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences. One without the other would not have allowed him to accomplish all that he has in his career.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Report on Customer Care Improvement By Robert L Fousler

Following the article in the Standard Newspaper dated 8/07/1998 on â€Å"Customer Care Improvement by Robert L Fousler (MD) Consultant s for Effective Training, I am in total agreement with him concerning the points that he has put forth concerning Customer Care within business organizations. Customer Care is an important point in management and should be carried out by any manager within any business organization irrespective of what departments he is directly of indirectly in charge of. It is important to note that a business or organization cannot effectively attract customersclients if it cannot deal with its internal clients. In any business/organization, internal clients are the employees within the organization. Mr. Fousler mentions that in Kenya, many industries in the market and developing from a â€Å"Sellers† market into a â€Å"Buyers† market. This means that the only difference between one Seller and another will be in the quality of the service rendered to them. In addition to this, the expectations and demands of clients have been increasing and have been rapidly dynamic over the past five years and in order for you to please, and indeed, maintain a client then the services rendered to them should be adequate and ready to fulfill their needs. Most service industries, if not all, are all client/customer oriented and they depend on the client to pay for their services that are intangible. With this in mind, it is in their best interest to ensure that the services they offer are useful to the client and that the Customer Support is highly advanced and effectively operational. In reference to this, it is important for organizations, particularly those in the service industry, to realize that their future success is dependant on managers viewing their staff as the most important assets they have and that everything depends on how they work as a team. He goes on to mention that Customer Care skills should not only be offered to staff in service-oriented organizations but to all organizations in general. If people can serve one another and each department serving the other, then the Customer Service skills will be extended to the â€Å"External† customer. He also highlights the importance of Customer Care in any organization and says that it is not wise to train only certain sections in the organization since everything everyone does in the organization has an impact on the client in one way or the other. Therefore, everyone must be included in Customer Care oriented seminars because they create awareness in staff of the importance of gaining such skills. After the training has been undertaken, then the most important task is to implement it. This includes maintaining a high level of outgoing commitment and insists that this can only be done by each department having â€Å"Ownership† of the process, so that Customer Care is supported by committed individuals and teams rather than just by management. He says that one way of promoting the training is to have an incentive to bolster the training that has been carried out. An example would be to give gifts or rewards to those who improve the most in the service they give to both internal and external customers. Under Evaluation, he says that it is not easy to quantify but one good approach would be to do a â€Å"Before† and â€Å"After† survey of the complaints received from External customers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Effects of Alcohol on Motor Skills. Essays

The Effects of Alcohol on Motor Skills. Essays The Effects of Alcohol on Motor Skills. Essay The Effects of Alcohol on Motor Skills. Essay Alcohol is a liquid distilled product of fermented fruits, grains and vegetables used as solvent. It is probably the most widely used and abused substance that requires the customers to be given age before it is sold or used but this is not always the case because the use of under age drinkers are on increase.Alcohol is also a central nervous system depressant which affects virtually every organ in the body and chronic use can lead to numerous preventable diseases including alcoholism. Examples of Alcohol Vodka, whiskey, Beer.Alcoholism- Is a illness involving the excessive use of alcoholic beverages such as Vodka it is an addiction to the substance found in alcoholic drink called â€Å"ethanol† which is a psychoactive agent that affect the central nervous system of a human being. Ref. Martin et al 2007.Substance Abuse – Is a phrase being used by psychologist to refer to someone who poses a treat to himself or other people. People that drink and drive under the influenc e of alcohol area treat to themselves and others.Neuron activity in the brain controls one’s behavior, the use of alcohol controls the neuron activity, which now becomes suppressed by excessive use of alcohol,The drinker becomes less active, relaxed, and more outgoing. The motor skill co-ordination have now being impaired by this substance (alcohol), and the drinker will experience difficulty thinking straight, and clearly the more the alcohol consumed the further the impairment of the neuron activity in the brain, which eventually lead to loss of activity, memory loss, control of movement (Stritzke et al 1996).statistics have shown that the numbers of male drinkers are higher than the female drinkers by a ratio of five to one (Lauer 1989), as cited by Martin et al 2007.National data also shows alcohol related illness such as cirrhosis, and head/neck cancer are in the increase in the U.K, and E.U. (fact sheet Alcohol consumption harm in the U.K E.U, London IAS, 2003)This is what prompted us to ask the question!!!At what degree can alcohol impair an individuals motor skill abilities?Method of Background theory.The objective of this research was to test cognitive, and motor skills were not equally sensitive to a moderate dose of alcohol.20 male participants between the ages of 18-30, yrs were divided into 2 groups of 10. 60 male participants aged between 18-30, yrs were divided into 4 groups of 14. Al participants were healthy social drinkers, and randomly chosen from a group of volunteers from a university psychology dept. All participants performed a motor skill task with Pursuit Rotor, and Rapid Information Processing tasks.All participants attended a drug free task practice session where in the test was explained,and they completed a Drinking Habit Questionnaire to highlight any existing drinking problems.All participants were then asked to do the PR, ; then the RIP test 4 times in succession with 3 minute intervals of rest between each set of tasks . This was done to establish that results from the real tests could be attributed to the affect of alcohol on performance, and not unfamiliarity with the test content.All participants fasted for 4 hrs ; had no alcohol for 24 hrs. They were called in 1 to 10 days later for the â€Å"treatment session†, and all had to give breath samples to verify zero Blood Alcohol Concentrations (BAC).After this participants performed both PR ; RIP tasks to provide a drug free baseline with which to compare results from PR ; RIP tasks performed under the influence of alcohol.The participants were given 1 to 2 ratio of alcohol ; placebo ; carbonated mix, depending on which groups they have been allocated.The difference on experiment 1 ; 2 are that the participants in experiment 2 were being told that if they got the same score as the baseline score they would receive cash for the test. Pursuit Rotor (PR) Task consisted of a computer, monitor, and mouse on a tabletop, 75 cm above the floor. The participants sat in a chair directly in front of a computer screen that displayed a rectangular track (14 cm by 11.5 cm), and an on screen target (diameter = 1.3 cm) that moved at 23 rpm clockwise around the track. They tracked the target by moving a computer mouse to control an on screen circular cross-hair (diameter 1.3 cm), and were instructed to keep the cross-hair over the rotating target as long as possible during a test. One test consisted of three 50 second trials separated by a 20 second between-trial interval. The computer measured performance as a percentage of time on target during each test.Rapid Information Processing Task is a self-paced computerized task measures the rate of information processing. Participants sat in front of a computer screen while a fixed pseudo random sequence of 250 digits consisting of the numbers 1 to 8 was presented on the computer monitor. The entire sequence contained 11 triads of even digits, and 10 triads of odd digits. The yellow digits were 11.5 cm by 6 cm in size, and were presented one at a time on a blue background.Participants simply rested a finger on the #1 key on the computer number pad, and were told to press the key whenever they say any 3 consecutive even digits or any 3 consecutive odd digits. They were told to try to attain the highest digit presentation rate possible by correctly identifying as many of the digits triads as they could.The initial digit presentation rate was 90 digits per minute, and each correct response to a triad increased the speed of digit presentation by decreasing the inter stimulus interval (ISI) by 33 ms. A failure to respond to a triad, a correct response to triad after the next digit in the sequence had been presented or a response to a non-triad slowed the presentation rate by increasing the ISI by 33ms.The computer measured an individual’s rate of information processing by the mean number of digits presented per minute during a 5 minute test with greater digits per minute indicating faster information processing.In both experiments there was no significant difference in the results. It made no difference that in experiment 2 they were giving cash as an incentive.The conclusion (results) of this study indicates how disagreement over the sensitivity of cognitive, and motor skills to a moderate dose of alcohol may occur when impairment is only assessed at some particular BAC’s.;Method of my written proposalI will like my study to be conducted in Lab conditions.The participants would be psychology students from the University of East London, and would be over the legal age limit to consume alcohol.They must be social or regular drinkers.Participants would be randomly selected.I will apply the between test, there will be two groups.The independent variable would be one group receiving two drinks of 2.5 mils vodka mixed with 2.5 mils carbonated water, whilst group two would receive two drinks of 2.5 milscarbonated water, but the glass would b e sprayed with alcohol to give a strong alcoholic scent.The Dependant variable would be a test called the Rapid Information Processing Task Test.This test is a computerized test which is self paced. It measures the rate of information processing, and would last for five minutes.On the screen would appear a sequence of 250 digits. Participants would have to sit in front of the computer, and simply press the number one key whenever they saw any three consecutive even or odd digits at any time. Their aim is to achieve the highest digit presentation rate by identifying three consecutive digits.MaterialsThe materials to be used for this study is Laboratory, The participants are Undergraduate psychology students, computer, Vodka, Carbonated water and alcohol.ProcedureEthical Considerations.All participants to complete a general questionnaire, form and signed consent.We will seek to obtain approval from University of Human Research.Participants will be informed of their right to withdraw f rom the study at any time.Experiment to take place in Lab conditions.All personal information would be kept confidential, locked away, and password protected.Participants to be debriefed after experiment.ReferencesAlcohol Consumption and harm in the U.K and EU.(2003). London, IAS, Fact Sheet.Fogarty, N. J., ; Voget-Sprott, M. (2002). Cognitive processes and motor skills differ in sensitivity to alcohol impairment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, 404-411.Martin, N. G., Carlson, R. N., ; Buskist, W. (2007). Psychology. (3rd ed), England, Pearson Education Limited.

Monday, October 21, 2019

General Hummel

In the rock it is a very powerful and shows a lot of the different types of leaderships style that we had talked about in the past. With the military mercenary group in my opinion yes there is a commander General Hummel but what I noticed as I was watching the movie was that all of them respected and followed his orders but when it came to getting down there was a change. First lets go over the four main men with in the group and look at each on of their type of leadership demonstrated in the movie. Major Baxton, General Hummels right hand man. He demonstrates some what of a pleaser because he follows orders and wants to do right by his commander the General, also of an achiever he wants to get things done right the first time around he is very goal oriented when he is told do something thats what he sets out to do. Captain Hendrix on the other hand shows to be more of an attacker than anything else. He has a bad attitude he is very much in control of himself and when h! e says jump that what he wants to happen. He is also an achiever goal oriented he is very self confident in what he sets out to achieve. Captain Frye and Capt Darryl are performers and attackers. They both they have no feeling but are both very strong willed individuals. They have orders to follow and they see that they are achieved no matter how they need to do it. If its hurting another person so be it. They had an order and they will follow through till the end. Gunner Sgt Crisps is an avoider and a pleaser. There is a scene where the Capt. Hendricks, Capt. Fry and Capt. Darryl are confronting General Hummel on a situation and told Crisp to apprehend the General and he doesnt want to do it because Hummel is his general but is ordered by the three individuals to do so he realizes that Hummel is no longer in control and to keep from upsetting the other Capt. he does it. He is very quit and to himself. Follows orders and does what h..

Sunday, October 20, 2019

200+ Writing Prompts To Help You Think Outside The Box

200+ Writing Prompts To Help You Think Outside The Box Whether youve never heard of writing prompts or youre a huge fan of them  like I am, youre going to love this post. If youre not familiar, they are basically writing ideas to spark your imagination while writing. Who doesnt love getting new ideas (especially when youre out of them)? Read on for fresh writing prompts to give you new ideas for your own writing. How To Think Outside The Box With 200 Plus Writing Prompts via @devinberglundWhy You Should Use Writing Prompts You know those days when you write something and then you delete it all to try writing it again... And once you've written something, it still doesn't sound exactly how you want it to so you scratch the whole thing. This is the kind of situation when  you should try out some writing prompts. They are meant to get you thinking about your project  from another perspective. Writers who don't struggle to find writing ideas would also benefit from using these. You see, it gets you thinking in a different way. And thinking outside of the box will help you produce more creative ideas  to give your content a unique perspective. Sick of struggling for writing ideas? Get your 200+ writing prompts here.The Different Kinds Of Writing Prompts Writing prompts are popular in the journaling and creative writing worlds, which opens the door to many different kinds of prompts. But in this post, you'll learn about  three writing prompts that will help you in the content marketing world:  You've got fill in the blank prompts,   question prompts, and prompts that tell you to look somewhere for your ideas. This isn't to say that there aren't more out there that will help you, but these are the ones you'll  focus on throughout this post. Recommended Reading:  How To Write Amazing Posts With This Blog Writing Checklist Here are  a few examples of some writing prompts: Fill In The Blank Prompts {#}  Ways To  {Overcome Challenge} Question Prompts What is your content core? Prompts That Direct You To Look Elsewhere For Your Ideas Go to where your audience is. What questions are they asking? Writing Prompts To Get You Writing Here  are several examples for each  kind of writing prompt  to  help you come up with some awesome content: Fill In The Blank Prompts: A list of ways that your product will help you with _____. Wish I'd known ____ before ____. What ____ means for {company or industry}. The best things I learned at ______. ______: I Learned The Tough Way. What happened on this day_____ {pick a number} years ago. 100 ____ that will ____ you be more awesome at what you do. We've been doing this wrong... Ask ____ {pick a number} people the same question and compile it into a collaborative blog post. Why this ____ {pick a speech video} speech teaches you all you need to know about ____. ____ {pick a number} _____ {type of videos} Videos That Will Help You ______. The ultimate guide to ______. Do _____ {number} Things By _____ {age}. What ____ {name of someone or something} Never Told You The Truth About ____. Why I'm going to quit ______. What are the goals for your next five  years? ____ {number} Real People Share Their Biggest _______ {topic} Problems ____ {number} Ways To Track _____ {topic} Your _____ Without Going Crazy ____ {number} Blog Posts To Read When You're _____. This Trick Helped Me ____. What You Need To Know If You're _____. How I Went From ______ To _____. ____  {number} Empowering Ways To Track ____ Without ____. The Truth About ____. ___ {number} Crucial Things To Do If _____. ___ {number} ___ That Will ___. ___ {number} ___ Share The Top Tips They Give To _____. What Is ___, Anyway? Here's What Makes The Real Difference Between ____ And ____. Is Giving Up ____ A Good Way To ____. Here's Everything You Need To Know About ___. Why ___ Doesn't Want You To ___. Is This The Reason You Can't ___. The Exact Formula For ___. ___ {number} Ways ___ Can Help You ___. Why ___ Should Just Relax About ___. ___ {number} Ways To ___ Without ___. ___ {number} ___ {topic} Hacks To Add To Your Bag Of Tricks Real-Life Solutions For _____. Low-Cost Tools To Help With ____. Conquer Your Fear Of ___ With ___. ___ {number} ___ Ideas To Give A Try Must-Have ____ Tips To Have For ___ ___ {year} ____ Trends ___ {number} DIY ___ Ideas ___ {number} ___ Budget Busters Easy ___ Tips For Your ___. Easy-To-Make ___ That Will ___. Must-Have-Tools For A ___. ___ On A Budget: Tips To ___. 1-Hour Tips For ___ That Will ___. ___ {Topic}: Easy Ways To ___. Spruce Up Your ___ With These Awesome ____ Tips. ___ {number} Things ___ (certain title for a person) Do. ___ {number} Rules That Are Stupid. ___ {number} Warning Signs That ___. The Heartbreaking Reality Of ___. ___ {number} Things That ___ {certain people title} Think About ___. Question Prompts: What are some things people in your field want to know? What are positive conversations about things in your field being held? What are negative conversations that are being held in your field? What trends are big in your niche or field right now? What plugins and apps help you do your job better? What is your core content? If you could interview a person in your niche, who would it be? How'd you get started in your career? If you could interview a person in your niche, who would it be? How'd you get started in your career? What didn't work for you? What questions do you get? Compile it into your FAQ. What makes my company different? What is something that you enjoy every day? What adventures do you experience in your career? What are your top distractions and how do you deal with them? What's your motto for your company or blog? What's a current frustration of yours? What advice has stuck with you for a long time? Who gave you that advice? What's a day in the life of ___ {you} look like? Who is the one person that you definitely couldn't live without? What books would you recommend your followers to read? What would you tell someone who wants to go into your career? What is the toughest thing about being a ___ {your job title}? How To Make Your Products Look Appealing? Prompts That Direct You To Look Elsewhere For Your Ideas: What are your competitors writing about? Take a look at three of yours and combine them together and create something amazing-er than they make. Look for keywords and let them be your guide. What are your customers' pain points and how can your product help them? Go find out what they are saying their problems are. Take a look at your top content in your analytics and write more like those or even revamp your old posts. Is there a change I could make in the next 24 hours... Look through all the comments on your blog and answer comments in blog post form. At the  end of the  year, list your posts by category and publish that as a post. Search out your brand persona on social media and find out what questions they are asking. Use them as blog prompts. Search on Twitter search and on Google Trends. Why customers are going elsewhere (put a spin on it to make it positive.) Social media tips for your industry. Take an unrelated topic and somehow tie it into your niche. Profile readers or customers. QA interview with your team. Write your own manifesto. Write a parody post. Read forums to find writing prompt ideas. Write a truth vs lie post. What The Worse Customers Can Teach You About... Get the rest of your writing prompts in your free kit now! Recommended Reading: How To Write A Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist To Rock A Perfect Blog Post Want To Create Your Own Writing Prompts? Sometimes it can be tough to take other people's suggestions  and customize them so that your ideas can shine through brightly. So I am going to show you how to create your own writing prompts because sometimes all you need is to find the ideas yourself. If you follow these steps, I promise you'll find a handful of new creative ideas. Here are the secrets to coming up with new #writing ideas! #amwritingHere's How You Can Create Your Own Writing Prompts There are plenty of different places to look for writing prompts.  One of my personal favorite places to look for prompts is in magazines. (Especially in health magazines.) Cosmopolitan has been cited  as a great headline source by headline masters. Why not use headlines to spark your writing ideas? They make great prompt ideas. Any kind of magazine or magazine's website works, too. Look in a variety of magazines (stretch to different genres as well): health, beauty, sports, cars, and home living magazines. When you look outside your niche and into other niches, you might find something new that you wouldn't have seen somewhere else. And that  will strengthen your writing. Honestly, you'll learn a lot from those headline writers. They are good at what they  do. Picasso was known for saying: Good artists copy, great artists steal. So mirror that in your own life as a writer. Don't just copy the ideas. Steal them and make them your own. Make sure you don't get distracted if you're creating your own prompts. It can be so easy to spend the rest of the day on the internet looking at nothing- in the name of research. You know where that bunny hole leads. And it doesn't lead to productivity or getting your projects done. It can be so easy to waste time on the internet in the name of research.Recommended Reading: 9 Ways To Reclaim Your Breakthrough Content Ideas From Old Posts Here are your  writing prompt creation steps: 1. First off, make a huge list of topics and ideas that you'd like to write about.  Keep those handy by downloading the spreadsheet that accompanies this post, or in a tool like Evernote. 2. Go to a magazine website or look at an actual magazine. 3. Find headlines that catch your attention. 4. When you find a headline that sounds catchy,  look at it. What makes it catchy? I am going to choose this headline as my writing prompt idea example: "12 Ways To Take Your Pushups To The Next Level" Now, if you remember from our other post, "Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438%", we talked about blog post headlines that have numbers in them do better than ones without. Now, there are plenty of ways that we could use the idea above to inspire our own writing. My example from above:  12 Ways To Take Your Pushups To The Next Level This will sorta turn into a fun "fill in the blank" game with topics that interest you. Recommended Reading: 10 Easy Blog Post Ideas To Fill Your Editorial Calendar 5. Rework the headline you chose into your own blog prompt. Look at your list of topics and things that you want to write about.  All you have to do now is take out some words and insert some of your own.  Magazines are really good at writing their headlines, so start practicing and let them help you come up with your own writing prompts. Here are a few variations: __ {number} Ways To Take Your ____ To The Next Level __ {number} Steps To ___ Your ____ ____ ____ And what do they look like when you add your own style and flair to them? 23 Ways To Take Your Customer Service  To The Next Level 17 Steps To Write Your Best Content Ever After you've done that, it's time to figure out what the steps are that are going to help your readers solve their problems. 6. Create a huge database of ideas like this.  After creating a ton of exciting prompt ideas, write them all down in a writing prompt library. You can store your writing ideas in a notebook, in an  Evernote note or even in a  Google Docs  or Sheets  doc. (I've created an Excel document for you to use and that is included in the bundle that complements this post.) It will look something like this: How Should You  Use The Writing Prompt Library? All you have to do is fill in these questions: List your prompts. In what blog category will the blog prompts fit? Do you have a keyword for it yet? When do you want to publish the post? If you find something else that you'd like to track in your Writing Prompt Library, add to the columns at the top and then track away. Now You're Ready To Rock And Write... How awesome is it to have all these ideas? And don't you just love that "magazine headline" secret to finding new writing prompts? I know it can be hard to come up with ideas of your own. So if you are still struggling to find things to write about or are still trying to get unstuck, make sure you download the writing prompts tear sheet to get 200+ writing prompts and your writing prompt library.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Langston Hughes vs. Tupac Shakur Research Paper

Langston Hughes vs. Tupac Shakur - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the struggle of the Afro Americans even after their Emancipation from slavery has been the theme of many works of literature. The struggles of blacks also affected the family relations. Langston Hughes’ poem â€Å"Mother to Son† essentially illustrates a mother’s sermon to her son who is probably in his growing years. She teaches him by giving examples from her life. The poem belongs to the Harlem Renaissance period which celebrated the culture of the Afro Americans who came up to cultivate their talents in art and literature. Hughes’ poems are normally characterized by â€Å"a strong black racial consciousness and folk aesthetic†¦reflect a black perspective and point of view†. The poem highlights the essence of this period, using the â€Å"black vernacular† where the mother encourages her son to move forward and not to look back in life just as the black heritage was moving forward. The p oem, therefore, depicts a certain awakening and motivation. This inspirational piece addresses the struggles of blacks. She begins by saying that life was not very easy for her – â€Å"Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair†. There were hazards which brought about pain in her life and here the poet uses figurative language to compare hazards with â€Å"tacks† and â€Å"splinters†. She says there was â€Å"no carpet on the floor – Bare† which depicts that she had no shelter or place to rest and this signifies isolation. Yet, she says that life moved on as time passed by. She came across â€Å"landin’s† and â€Å"turnin’ corners†... Here she says that despite all odds she has managed to reach some of her goals (landin’s) and she tried to live differently with time or put her hands on new things (turning corners). She says that there was darkness where she traveled and there has been no light. Perhaps she means traveling alone or in a foreign land and her difficulty also brings out her courage and faith for a better future. She advises her son not to â€Å"set down on the steps† while climbing the stairs of life. She says that despite the difficulties, he should not fall because she is still going on with her life and it is still not a â€Å"crystal stair†. A mother shares her experience with her son such that he later gains some motivation from the same and this might help him move forward in life. She is aware that being a black boy he will also be facing troubles like herself, but he needs to keep his faith and courage to face the troubles and meet his goals. This is a one-sided sermon and no proper interaction has been shown between the two characters. The son’s presence is silent. So one would not actually know what the reaction of the son is and if he feels motivated and inspired. The song â€Å"Dear Mama† is basically a tribute from a son to his mother and is the autobiography of a son written in appreciation of his â€Å"mama† – it is a â€Å"thank-you to Afeni for her hard work as a single mother†. This poem also shows the struggles of the blacks and in essence the woman. He did not have his father by his side but his mother who was treated badly by her husband did not leave her children alone despite the fact that the son finally could not make her proud.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Engineers create artefacts and processes through design. Design is Essay

Engineers create artefacts and processes through design. Design is open ended and creative. Discuss design processes with refere - Essay Example The design process in many cases involves the application of mathematics, engineering, and basic sciences principles to optimally convert resources to meet specified aims. This paper discusses the design process from the perspective of mechanical engineering. Steps Involved in the Design Process Need or Problem Identification and Research In order to be able to solve an engineering or design problem, it is vital to identify the problem or need (Ullman 2009). When a design engineer fails to identify a problem or need properly, the engineer may end up wasting a lot of time and resources. In order to stick to the project goals, the mechanical engineers often rely on subjective and measurable metrics. Once the need or problem has been identified, the engineers must engage in research to establish the issue as it is currently and to establish the solutions that exist (Eide, Jenison, Mashaw and Northup 2002). By engaging in research, the engineers equip themselves to be able to come up wit h the best possible solution to the problem or need. The engineers must establish if there are products that have been designed to solve the same problem in the market and their advantages and disadvantages. Based on their findings, the engineers have to narrow down to what is relevant to their case. Potential Solutions The engineers often end up with a lot of information regarding products currently on the market and how they are designed. They have therefore to engage in brainstorming to come up with possible solutions and the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible solutions (Eide, Jenison, Mashaw and Northup 2002). At this stage, the design engineer needs to think of ways of improving each of the possible solutions. The engineering designer needs to be creative in coming up with improvements to the products in the market or in designing a product that is novel. The performance of each of the possible solutions is then analyzed through the application of engineering science and mathematical principles (Eggert 2010). The analysis may be geared toward reducing risks and detecting problems that may come with the improved solutions. Best Possible Solution With several possible solutions to the problem or need, the design engineer then has to choose the solution that best meets the original requirements (Lumsdaine, Lumsdaine, and Shelnutt 1999). Making a decision regarding the solution to proceed with may be challenging and involves making the evaluation of competing needs. Some of the factors that may affect the choice of the best possible solution include cost, size, weight, and safety just to mention a few. Prototype Creation, Testing and Evaluation It would be imprudent at this stage for the engineers to proceed with the actual production of the product as designed before having it tested and evaluated. The engineers therefore need to create a prototype of the product if possible modeling in 2D and 3D using computer applications such as CAD soft ware (Hyman 1998). The prototype is then tested and evaluated to establish if it works and meets the original design requirements and limits. Redesign The prototype may be slightly changed or improved in case of need once the prototype has been tested and evaluated. The changes or improvements are normally implemented to optimize the

Range of materials for an event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Range of materials for an event - Essay Example (Charles Bal, 2004). This fact maybe used to convince the sponsors about sponsoring the event. The event: The event that is going to be staged is the Youth Athletics Championship organized by the councils of South London Boroughs including Croydon, Sutton and Bromley. The mission of the event is to raise funds for the regeneration of the area of South London. Youth Athletics Championship is a local public event for the secondary schools of the three boroughs of south London. It will be held on the weekends of 14th - 15th and 21st-22nd of May 2001 in the Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium located in zone 4 of London. 30 students from each of the 36 secondary schools would have a chance to take part in the competition. Objectives: The South London area is known to be one of the poorest areas in London that is lacking good sporting facilities as well as any good extra curriculum teams. One of the main objectives of this event is to encourage students to take part in activities, for exampl e, such as sports.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Politics and Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Politics and Equality - Essay Example Kelly Florence, to name only three, among many, who made it easier for women like, Nancy Pallosi, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin to compete with men in the political arena. Introduction: The quintessential concept of equality between the sexes is as old, as perhaps the Biblical account of Adam and Eve. She was made from the rib of Adam, by the Lord God, to be the consort and companion of the first man, so her subservience is but a natural corollary of the story. Theology apart, world history is also replete with instances of the lesser status of women as compared to men. So, Cleopatra, perhaps the most powerful woman of her time, was less in status to the Cesar and later Anthony, only because she was a woman. This notion of male superiority is deeply ingrained in the psyche of mankind, and the examples that I have cited are incidents and /or aspects of this phenomena of our societal behaviour in general and of the individual aspects of our domestic existence, in particular. The movement of the American women to shrug off this yoke of subservience to patriarchal hegemony, is typified in the movement of attaining the right of vote for the American women, that on the one hand has challenged centuries old notion of male domination and on the other hand, is a milestone in human history, where the women have fought for what was, and is their inalienable right as human beings__ that of justice and equality with men. The movement of the American women to acquire the right of vote is referred to as the Suffrage movement. The focus of this movement was to get the right to vote for the American women. In words of Jo Freeman: "The Suffrage was not a united movement. It was a coalition of different people and organisations that worked together for a few intense years around the common goal of votes for women." The organisation that headed this movement was the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) under the able leadership of Carrie Chapman Catt. "She

GM ignition switch recall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GM ignition switch recall - Research Paper Example The deaths were linked to the failure of the airbags deployment during the accidents. However, reports suggested that an addition 72 persons died because of ignition key switch faults. Because of the faults, GM recalled over 29 million cars. In addition, the manufacturer incurred approximately $1.2 billion to counter the ongoing recalls and legal expenses (Cheeseman, 56). Various scholars have criticized the moral ethics exhibited by the GM management as their actions resulted in deaths and losses for the company. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with ideas concerning what amounts to good and bad behavior. Based on the definition of ethics, it is clear that GM were ethically wrong since the management were aware of the faults in the vehicles long before they decided to recall. The management aim was to maximize the company’s profit rather than meet the customer needs. GM would have carried substantial tests of their vehicles before sale or in addition review the customer feedback concerning the vehicles. The company continued with the vehicle sales for more than seven years hence making then ethically liable. GM focused on the numbers of individuals who continued to enjoy problem free ignition related ignitions rather the ones who felt victim to the problem. Therefore, it has clearly to indicate that GM was ethically wrong. Socrates held being ethical as one of his primary role in all of his psychological theories. In addition, he held the belief that the suitable way for people to live was to aim at self-development rather than material wealth (Barry, 66). At all times, Socrates welcomed others individuals to attempt and focus more on a sense of friendships and real community since he had a sentiment that it was the suitable way for people to develop mutually as a populace. Socrates lived up to this doctrine and that is can be proved by his actions when he was

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Politics and Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Politics and Equality - Essay Example Kelly Florence, to name only three, among many, who made it easier for women like, Nancy Pallosi, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin to compete with men in the political arena. Introduction: The quintessential concept of equality between the sexes is as old, as perhaps the Biblical account of Adam and Eve. She was made from the rib of Adam, by the Lord God, to be the consort and companion of the first man, so her subservience is but a natural corollary of the story. Theology apart, world history is also replete with instances of the lesser status of women as compared to men. So, Cleopatra, perhaps the most powerful woman of her time, was less in status to the Cesar and later Anthony, only because she was a woman. This notion of male superiority is deeply ingrained in the psyche of mankind, and the examples that I have cited are incidents and /or aspects of this phenomena of our societal behaviour in general and of the individual aspects of our domestic existence, in particular. The movement of the American women to shrug off this yoke of subservience to patriarchal hegemony, is typified in the movement of attaining the right of vote for the American women, that on the one hand has challenged centuries old notion of male domination and on the other hand, is a milestone in human history, where the women have fought for what was, and is their inalienable right as human beings__ that of justice and equality with men. The movement of the American women to acquire the right of vote is referred to as the Suffrage movement. The focus of this movement was to get the right to vote for the American women. In words of Jo Freeman: "The Suffrage was not a united movement. It was a coalition of different people and organisations that worked together for a few intense years around the common goal of votes for women." The organisation that headed this movement was the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) under the able leadership of Carrie Chapman Catt. "She

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The effects of marijuana on physical psychological & physiological Essay

The effects of marijuana on physical psychological & physiological functioning - Essay Example Research also shows that the earlier people start using drugs, the more likely it is for them to experiment with other drugs. Impact on physical functioning According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (2010), marijuana use can lead to some immediate physical consequences like increase in heart rate by as much as 50 percent, depending on the amount of THC. The increased heartbeat and pulse rate can cause chest pain and heart failure especially if the individual is taking other legal or illegal drugs. The white of the eye changes to somewhat pink in color because of dilation of the vessels in the conjunctiva of the eye giving it a ‘blood-shot’ appearance. Other physical effects include drop of the pressure in the eyeball, sense of cold or hot hands and feet, relaxation of the muscles and dry mouth and throat. These effects are temporary and mostly disappear after a couple of hours. The unfiltered smoke inhaled into the lungs can cause cellular changes called metaplas ia, which are considered precancerous. Continual smoking of marijuana can cause tissue damage resulting in abnormal functioning of the lungs since the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers is nearly three to five times more than that inhaled by tobacco smokers. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin (Venable, P.C., 2004). These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana use can cause cancer if used for a prolonged period of time. In men, marijuana use has been found to decrease testosterone, cause breast enlargement and lead to sterility particularly if the drug use began during puberty. In women, marijuana leads to irregular menstrual cycles, depression, an increased testosterone level and the possibility for having children with moderate to severe physical and mental deficiencies ranging from learning disabilities to babies born with weak central nervous systems. Some research studies suggest that the use of ma rijuana during pregnancy may result in premature babies and in low birth weights (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2010). Impact on psychological functioning Marijuana has been found to be psychologically addictive and users have been found to have a hard time limiting their use. Although many argue that marijuana is not addictive, users who have stopped smoking it report irritability, inability to sleep, uncontrollable crying, mood swings and feelings of sickness during withdrawal. Long-term marijuana users crave for higher doses of the drug to get the same â€Å"high†. Although marijuana causes the users to feel elated and happy within minutes of using the drug, they often feel paranoid. One of the adverse reactions to marijuana is â€Å"acute panic anxiety†. People who have used marijuana describe this reaction as an extreme fear of â€Å"losing control† which causes panic causing them to often look out the windows, pace the floors or chew their fingernails (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2010). These symptoms usually disappear in a few hours. Impact

Pizza Delivery and Domino Essay Example for Free

Pizza Delivery and Domino Essay Dominos Pizza, Inc. (NYSE: DPZ) is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Founded in 1960, Dominos is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States. [1] Dominos currently has nearly 9,000 corporate and franchised stores[2] in 60 international markets[3] and all 50 U. S. states. Dominos Pizza was sold to Bain Capital in 1998 and went public in 2004. Dominos menu features pizza, pasta, oven-baked sandwiches, wings, boneless chicken, salads, breadsticks, cheesesticks, and a variety of dessert items. Management positions at Dominos Pizza distribution centers offer you the opportunity to join a world-class company with: * A competitive salary. * An excellent benefits package. * Opportunity for career growth. Our team leaders are involved in all facets of our business. The work is a combination of administrative and operational responsibilities performed throughout the distribution center. The best candidates are strong yet thoughtful leaders who have the ability to respect their team members and mentor them onto greater career development. If you care about the people who work for you and have the desire to encourage and assist in their career growth, youre the type of leader we look for. What Types of Management Positions Are Available? Our General Manager Development Program is an excellent start to acquiring skills and learning the fundamentals of business operations. In addition to several requirements, it is necessary to work successfully in a team leader position (minimum of six months) to apply for the program. The program is customized for each individual and focuses on the following areas. Food Production Preparing and mixing fresh pizza dough is the responsibility of a production team member. The production team is the secret behind the great-tasting Domino’s Pizza consumers turn to when they’re hungry. If you have the desire to create a top-quality food product every day, then our production department is for you. Commercial Delivery and Service Drivers We look for team members with a commitment to safety and excellent customer service to be part of our Delivery Service team. Delivery Service drivers will drive a truck over an established route to deliver products to Domino’s Pizza stores. When you take the wheel for Domino’s Pizza Distribution, you are the face of our company to our customers. You’re interaction with the stores is crucial to our success. Many drivers build lasting relationships with customers in the fun and supportive family environment of Domino’s Pizza. Warehouse Our warehouse team members ensure that our customers receive each and every product they order, every time they order it. As a warehouse team member, your main responsibility will be to load, unload and move materials within or near the distribution center. You’re the one who makes it happen for us every day and you are an important piece of who we are. n early 2000, Pawan Bhatia (Bhatia), the CEO of Dominos Pizza India (Dominos) was a man in a hurry. Ever since Bhatia took over as the CEO of Dominos in November 1999, he had been frantically reworking the pizza chains India strategy. Bhatia was planning to open 150 new outlets by the end of 2002 covering 23 cities,1 including Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) and Jamshedpur (Bihar). In late 1999, Indocean Chase, the private equity fund bought a 25% stake in Dominos operations in India from the Delhi-based industrial family, the Bhartias, who held Dominos franchise in India. Dominos told investment bankers at the fund that it planned to go in for an initial public offering (IPO) in the next two years. Indocean Chase advised Dominos to go beyond its 16 outlets in Delhi to exploit the potential in the pizza delivery business. Unless a well-thought-out expansion plan was put into place, the IPO was unlikely to find too many takers. As part of its expansion plans Dominos revamped its entire supply chain operations, from sourcing raw materials to shipping them for processing at a central location to delivering it to the customers. Initially, Dominos had a simple model. It had three self-contained commissaries in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore which bought their own wheat, tomatoes and other ingredients, processed them, then delivered them in refrigerated trucks to each outlet. However, volumes were expected to increase when Dominos planned to open new outlets. Therefore, the existing model had to be revamped. Bhatia said, Its crucial for us to build a low-cost supply chain operation which takes costs out of the system and in turn gives us greater pricing flexibility in the marketplace. Analysts felt that Dominos had to rethink its supply chain operation because it was the biggest area of costs. Since 75% of Dominos customers ordered either from office or home, it did not have to lease large plots of land in prime locations to attract traffic. Instead, it needed an efficiently managed call centre to bring better returns. In the late 1950s, Dominick De Varti (Varti) owned a small pizza store named DomiNicks Pizza on the Eastern Michigan University campus in Ypsilanti, Michigan. In 1960, two brothers who were students of the University of Michigan – Thomas S. Monaghan (Thomas) and James S. Monaghan (James) – bought the store for US$900. In 1961, James sold his share of business to Thomas. The pizza business did well and by 1965, Thomas was able to open two more stores in the town – Pizza King and Pizza from the Prop. Within a year, Varti opened a pizza store in a neighborhood town with the same name, DomiNicks Pizza. Thomas decided to change the name of his first store, DomiNicks Pizza, and one of his employees suggested the name Dominos Pizza (Dominos). The advantage of this name Thomas felt was that it would be listed after DomiNick in the directory. Dominos philosophy rested on two principles – limited menu and delivering hot and fresh pizzas within half-an-hour. In 1967, it opened the first franchise store in Ypsilanti, and in 1968, a franchise store in Burlington, Vermont. However, the company ran into problems when its headquarters (the first store) and commissary were destroyed by fire. In the early 1970s, the company faced problems again when it was sued by Amstar, the parent company of Domino Sugar for trademark infringement. Thomas started looking for a new name and came up with Red Dominos and Pizzas Dispatch. However, there wasnt any need for it because Dominos won the lawsuit in 1980. In 1982, Dominos Pizza established Dominos Pizza International (DPI) that was made responsible for opening Dominos stores internationally. The first store was opened in Winnipeg, Canada. Within a year, DPI spread to more than 50 countries and in 1983, it inaugurated its 1000th store (Refer Exhibit II for worldwide revenues). Around the same time, new pizza chains like Pizza Hut and Little Caesar established themselves in the US. Dominos Pizza faced intense competition because it had not changed its menu of traditional hand-tossed pizza. The other pizza chains offered low-priced breadsticks, salads and other fast food apart from pizzas.. Analysts felt that Dominos took a cue from McDonalds supply chain model (Refer Box and Exhibit III for McDonalds model). However, they opined that the level of complexity in McDonalds system in India was not as high as that of Dominos. Commented Bhatia, McDonalds operations are not as spread out as ours. They are in four cities while we are in 16. Centralizing wouldnt work on such a geographical scale. Thus in early 2000, Dominos came out with its own logistics model. It began at the point Dominos purchased wheat for making the pizza dough. Dominos first decided the procurement strategy for its key raw materials: wheat, baby corn, tomatoes and spices. For instance, wheat was cheapest in Jalandhars (Punjab) wholesale markets. Dominos refrigerated trucks got the wheat back to the commissary in Delhi. Commissary processed the wheat and prepared the pizza dough. The pizza dough and other items prepared in commissaries were then sent to the retail outlets again in refrigerated trucks. The temperature inside the truck was fixed based on the distance between the retail outlets and the commissaries. This was to set the dough at a particular level when it reached the outlets. The retail outlets had to use up the processed dough within three days of delivery. If they failed to do so for some reason the entire quantity was discarded. To get to Jalandhar, the trucks had to pass Chandigarh. Chandigarh with a cosmopolitan population, was a potential market for Dominos products. Therefore, Dominos opened an outlet there. The cost of entry was low because there was no additional costs incurred on transportation of products

Monday, October 14, 2019

Emotional Development in Young Children

Emotional Development in Young Children Introduction Human beings have an extremely rich and complex emotional life that provides value to our experiences, motivation to our actions, and a dimension of communication beyond spoken words. We can suppose that the individuals are mature enough to experience complex emotions and able to recognise those emotions in others. This capacity of emotion, as with other aspects of human development, emerges as an immature quality in infancy, expands through childhood and adolescence, where it blossoms in adulthood, full of subtlety and abundance. Positive emotional development has important benefits for young children. Young children who are emotionally stable and healthy benefit from being more attentive to learning, feeling good about themselves, having more friends and being able to better control their behavior. These all relate to long-term happiness and success in life as children grow older. Young Children Emotions play an important role in our daily lives. From a young age, children show the ability to feel and respond to a variety of emotions. For example: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Even as early as 1 month of age, infants demonstrate emotions (distress, pleasure) that show understanding of what is happening around them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By 4 months, a baby naturally recognises differences in faces expressing happiness, anger or sadness, and will react to try to change the expression on a parents face to be happier. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In the first two years of life, children learn to laugh not only at being pleased, but in response to their own behaviors (flapping their arms, etc.) that get an emotional reaction from others (delight from parents, other children). All of us, including young children, are wired to experience and express emotion. Emotional development relates to a childs developing ability to recognise feelings, distinguish among them, manage emotions and be aware of and respond to the feelings of others. The development of such abilities through time results in a persons degree of emotional intelligence, an important concept that suggests people can become competent in how they handle and express their own emotions and respond to others emotions. Emotional development relates to how we recognise, understand and choose how we feel, think or act. It shapes our understanding of us and also our interactions with others, i.e. family, friends, groups, communities. It often defines what we value, and how and what we learn, as well as what and how we prioritize things in our daily lives. Our feelings provide us with insight and energy, and are involved with almost every decision we make. Emotional development affects a childs capacity to relate to others, interact and communicate, and also his or her ability to express feelings, such as love, anger and trust. Developing abilities associated with emotions are important life skills, meaning abilities that help us relate well to others and succeed in life. Some of these important skills include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Being aware of your own feelings à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monitoring your moods and regulating expressions of emotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Handling anger à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using emotions positively to help reach our goals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sensing how others feel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using emotions positively in making decisions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monitoring others emotions to manage personal relationships Key Aspects of Emotional Development As with other aspects of a young childs growth, children develop different abilities related to emotions as they mature and change. Understanding how young children develop an awareness of their own and others feelings, as well as the ability to manage such feelings, is important. Young children have an enormous capacity for learning. The early years provide a valuable window of opportunity to help children learn about emotions and relationships with others. Caring adults are most important in aiding a young childs emotional development. Some of the best ways to develop emotional intelligence in young children include modeling and creating awareness of their emotions. Children begin to gain greater awareness of their feelings and how to express them in different ways during their early years. Some key points to remember with young children and different stages of emotional development include: Prenatal to 3 Months à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age develop feelings of trust and attachment through being held or having someone talk to them and respond when they fuss or cry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ New infants need to feel tenderness and security, see smiling faces and experience responsiveness and warmth as they begin to feel what their environment is like. 3 to 6 Months à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age are learning to read emotion and express it through observation and imitation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age need parents and other caregivers to be responsive and attentive to them, which teaches them their emotions affect the world around them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age seek stimulation and emotional reassurance and connection. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Parents can assist emotional development by using expression when talking (baby talk), spending lots of face-to-face time with a baby (gives emotional interaction) and showing different facial expressions (gives a baby practice at reading emotions). 6 to 9 Months à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age are learning expression of feelings, such as sadness, fear, curiosity and happiness. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age are learning to distinguish between people they know and those they do not know, and feel reassurance or anxiety related to those around them (stranger anxiety, etc.) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants can have feelings about objects, such as fear (of a cat) or desire to play (with a toy), and express invitations or interest in playing with toys, objects or adults. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infants this age look to parents for emotional cues about how to handle objects, events or people (this social referencing is a sign of emotional security with parents). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Learn that their emotional cues, such as the social smile, will get an emotional response from another person, so they learn to initiate emotional responses. 9 to 12 Months à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children begin to understand they can share feelings, and others will understand them and know how they feel inside. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children become more attached to specific people (mom) and often become anxious when those people leave, crying or being upset. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reassure children when you leave the room or keep in visual contact if possible. 1 to 3 Years à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children this age recognize their independence from others and express anger, control or other feelings about needing autonomy (desire to put on own clothes, etc.). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children this age become aware of other children and their feelings, but still are developing emotional skills for social interaction, such as sharing, etc. Adults need to have reasonable expectations for feelings about others (empathy, etc.), encourage and model sharing with others. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children feel the need to explore and find autonomy, and adults should understand the common use of No or behaviors that push boundaries as an expression of this feeling. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children this age can identify feelings that adults help them label, such as sad, happy or scared. 4 to 8 Years à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children this age begin to understand and express fear of natural disasters, war, death or other concerns. Parents can assist in coping with such anxiety. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children this age are asked to control emotional responses as they enter school settings or other areas where behavior must be controlled. Practice of emotional responses in such situations and familiarity with the environment can be helpful to children this age. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children can brainstorm ways to overcome or handle particular emotions, such as fear or anger, with guidance from parents and caring adults. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Children increase their ability to get along with others, but may need continuing help to manage hurt feelings or emotional upset with friends or peers. In the very young age, assumptions regarding the state of emotional maturity are restricted due to the infants communicative ability. Newborn expressions consist mainly of distress and relaxed interest. They are driven by the desire to seek a balance between over-stimulation and under-stimulation and they learn very quickly that they can control their environment by influencing their caregivers. Ways that infants manipulate and regulate their environment are typically characterized by vocal and facial indices that are presumed to reflect emotions and the ways parents respond provides a history and basis for emotion control. At around two to seven months, infants are able to recognize different faces and display behaviors indicating discrimination toward primary caregivers and away from strangers. Attachments between the infant and the caregivers are formed through synchronized, one-on-one interactions, which are facilitated by the social smile. Along with the emergence of this caregiver attachment, babies are now showing signs of stranger anxiety and separation anxiety. Thus the emotions associated with attachment lay the foundations for the establishment of mutual cooperation, and other social and cognitive competencies later in development. At around 3 to 10 months, the emergence of playful, intentional, non-verbal communication is observable. Looking at each other, playing short games, taking rests become part of the infants social activity. By the end of the first year, infants are able to receive important information regarding their environment and behavior. This can be quite handy now that the child is becoming much more mobile. They are cruising at 9 months, standing at 12 months and walking without support at 13 months and by recognizing expressions on their mothers face, they can more confidently indulge a curiosity or avoid a painful experience. These social referencing behaviors show that infants are able to recognize the emotional state of another person and know that the emotion is directed at a person, object or behavior. In addition, where experimental failures in social referencing are reported, this could be the result of the childs ability to detect differences between authentic and role-played displays of expression thereby, indicating a truly remarkable sense of observation, discrimination and interpretation. Humans naturally display indicators of embarrassment through blushing, anger through flushing, intense sadness through tears, fear through vocal tension, and surprise through pupil dilation. The ability to recognise when these emotions are present can be very helpful when dealing with other people. In the ages between 2 and 4, children become able to discern what caregivers want from them and modify behavior to meet expectations. Cognitively, they are moving away from centration and egocentrism, which gives them a greater ability to see things from another persons perspective and also grasp more than one quality simultaneously. They begin to display a sense of humor and are now able to understand that one event, like a race, can cause one person to feel happy and another to feel sad at the same time. Conclusion Children enter life and immediately begin to express and experience emotions. As with other areas of development, learning the abilities associated with emotional development takes time and experience. Each domain of development has particular skills associated with it that children can learn and apply in practical ways. The primary skills associated with emotional intelligence include awareness of your own emotions, managing your emotions in positive ways, sensitivity to others emotions and empathy or reaching out to others emotionally. Developing and practicing these skills occur best when they are modeled in caring, meaningful ways in the home.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Article 231 of The Treaty of Versailles :: World War I History

Article 231 of The Treaty of Versailles Firstly, we must proceed to explain the nature of Article 231 in order to be able to analyse its judgement about Germany's responsibility for the war. After the war had ended, Europe's, especially France's economy was devastated. There was also a general desire for such a war never to repeat itself, as the first proof of modern warfare proved to be ruinous. To deal with this two issues the allied powers made Germany sign the "war guilt clause" which made it accept all the guilt for the war and because of this, pay reparations to the affected states. In this way France's economy would theoretically recover faster while Germany was kept economically weak so it could never attempt to cause a war again. Even though at the time most non-German historians went along with this, while German historians were not happy with this interpretation for obvious reasons, after a few years opinion began to move away from only blaming Germany and accepted that other countries should also take part of the blame. However, in 1961 a German historian called Fritz Fischer proposed the idea that after all Germany should take most of the responsibility. These two points of view have been a cause for debate for historians and a final agreement has not yet been reached. While most historians accept that the key decisions for war in July 1914 were taken in Berlin, other factors such as German foreign policy ("Weltpolitik") and the alliance system remain still as the grounds of discussion. To analyse in depth Germany's guilt for the war we must first look at the most distant events and work our way up to the July crisis. To understand Germany's actions that lead to war we shall look first at its foreign policy, specifically from the point were Bismarck's policy ended in 1890. After Bismarck's dismissal the Kaiser and his advisers were convinced that the most likely wars in Europe were Germany against France of Austria-Hungary against Russia and in neither case could Russia and Germany be on the same side because of the existing alliances. This meant the rupture of the Russo-German friendship and the starting point were the two fronts that battled in the Great War started to shape up. Another example of a failed attempt of alliance was that of with Britain. Kaiser Wilhelm inherited her mother's admiration for English liberalism and the accepted view of English pre-eminence while keeping his father's strict Prussian military code of behaviour.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Influence and Role of the Islamic Tradition in Turkey Essay

Islam has been a dominant force throughout Turkish history. During the Ottoman Empire, Islam ruled every part of the theocratic state, but after the demise of the empire, Turkey's rulers led the country away from political Islam. The modern Turkish state has a strictly secular government, and Islam has been relegated to the personal sphere. Although Turkey has experienced a rise in fundamentalism in the past twenty years, the separation of church and state has remained relatively intact. Even with this increase of fundamentalist Islam, the wide majority of Muslims in Turkey are moderate and tolerant. They have adapted to modern life and value Islam for its moral and spiritual messages. Islam is a guide for right living and ethical conduct rather than a political system. Turkey constantly struggles to balance Islamic life with a secular government. Although the government wants to maintain a strict separation between religion and politics, it cannot ignore the power and influence that Islam has in the lives of the Turkish people. History of Islam in Turkey ?In the 8th century, the first Turkish-speaking tribes migrated westward from central Asia and began converting to Islam.? They became Sunni Muslims, who follow the most orthodox form of Islam.? Islam appealed to these nomads because it was a simple faith with straightforward requirements.? Many were so passionate about the faith that they became ghazis, ?warriors for the faith. Fighting the Byzantines, they began to conquer the lands of Anatolia in the name of Islam.? The Ottomans, one of the Turkish clans, became the dominant leaders of this new land and united the scattered Turkish tribes.? By the 12th century, a new wave of Turkish immigrants who followe... .... Path: Kandil. 11 Brosnahan 12 Scarf row mars Turkey anniversary. Oct. 29 2003. Web. Dec. 10 2013. 13 Other articles of interest:?Hardy, Roger. ?Islam in Turkey: Odd one out.? Web. Dec. 10 2013. 14?Narli, Nilufer. ?The Rise of the Islamist Movement in Turkey.? Middle East Review of International 15?Affairs. Sept. 1999. Web. Dec. 6 2013.. 16?Democratizing Islam in Turkey.? Christian Science Monitor. Web. Dec. 2 2013.. 17Kili, Dr. Suna. ?Islam and Secularism in Contemporary Turkey.? Voice of Ataturk: Ataturk Society of America. Web. Dec. 10 2013. .

Family Stress and Their Relation to Academic Performance

Chapter I The Problem and Its Background Introduction The term stress had none of its contemporary connotations before the 1920s. It is a form of the Middle English destresse, derived via Old French from the Latin stringere, â€Å"to draw tight. † It had long been in use in physics to refer to the internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, resulting in strain. In the 1920s and 1930s, the term was occasionally being used in biological and psychological circles to refer to a mental strain, unwelcome happening, or, more medically, a harmful environmental agent that could cause illness.Stress plays a role in the body, behavior and feelings of people. Stress comes in many forms. Things like our environment, physiological well being, thoughts and social stresses and stress inside our homes can have an effect on learning Stress, particularly family related stress can have an impact on a student’s academic performance. College students have many obstacles to o vercome in order to achieve their finest academic performance. Different stressors such as time management, financial problems, sleep deprivation; social activities can all pose their own threat to a student’s academic performance.The way that academic performance is measured is through the ordinal scale of general weighted average (GWA). A student’s GWA determines many things such as class rank. Much research has been done looking at the correlation of many stress factors that college students’ experience and the effects of stress on their GWA. There are many factors that can cause stress and influence a student’s academic performance and therefore affect his or her overall GWA.A college student may find him or herself in a juggling act, trying to support a family, taking care of job responsibilities, and at the same time trying to make the most of the college career. All of these factors can affect the grades of students, which ultimately affect the res t of their lives. Conceptual Framework Stress is a large part of everyday life. Most stress occurs at busiest moment like at home. It’s one of the most common places for stress to build. Nevertheless stress is unavoidable.According to Marilyn Wedge, a family therapist, stressful situations at home like a parent losing a job, an illness, marital discord, or even conflicts about day-to-day issues may be troubling to a child without the parents even being aware of it. And often children go about trying to solve the family problem in the only way they know which may the cause of stress and, subconsciously or not, the children tend to bring the family problem outside home making the situation worst. These changes can cause health problems if experienced to frequently. If a child is stress the body responds negatively to it.The body often becomes worn down making it more susceptible to becoming sick. Depending on how serious the stress, can determine the severity of its impact. The brain, nerves, and central nervous system interpret stress. There are several side effects that occur from stress. Insomnia is another factor that stress may bring on. This occurs when a child is disrupted with thoughts and questions that drive them crazy and cause an inability to sleep. Chronic pain, headaches and backaches can be stress induced when under pressure. The muscles in these areas become tense under stress.Heart problems are the most common side effect. The pain felt in the chest is tension caused by an oxygen shortage to the heart. Heart attacks occur due to high blood pressure and can be fatal. Some behaviors that child takes part in to reduce or cope with stress may also bring on heart problems. Stress can also hurt emotionally as with depression. Research paradigm is shown on Figure 1. This included the input, the process, and the output. The input contains the profile of the 2nd year Accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University, the family stress they en counter, and their academic performance.In the process, questionnaires were distributed and observations were conducted to gather relevant information from the respondents. It also included the analy -sis and evaluation of the gathered data and information from the respondents. The output consists of the findings about the effect of family stress to academic performance of the respondents. Figure 1: The schematic paradigm used in the study. Statement of the Problem The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of family stress to the second year accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University regards to their academic performance.Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: a. How may the profile of the second year accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University be described in terms of gender? b. What are the family experiences/stress and the academic performance base on GWA of the respondents? c. Is there a significant difference between mal e and female students in handling family stress? d. Is there any relationship between family stress and the academic performance of the respondents? HypothesisFamily-related stress has no significant effect on the academic performance of second year Accountancy students at De La Salle Araneta University. Scope and Delimitation This research is delimited only to preparation and evaluation of stress level aimed at correlating the family related stress and academic performance of students through their GWA. The students were asked to complete a survey, including the perceived stress scale. Along with this test the students were asked to complete a demographic data sheet that asked questions such as age and gender, and also their classes and grades the prior semester.The respondents are thirty college Accountancy sophomore students of De La Salle Araneta University (which includes 8 boys and 22 girls) during the 1st semester of academic year 2012-2013. The respondents are chosen randoml y from a block section of Accountancy. Significance of the Study The researchers intend to show the impact of family related stress in the academic performance of second year Accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University through their General Weighted Average (GWA).Moreover this study, address itself to: the students that they may understand the impact of family related stress in their academic performance and eventually help themselves , to the professors that they may observe the behavior of students and help them through guidance and referral to the University Guidance Office for help, to families, specially the parents and the guardians that they may help their family member cope with stress from its roots (family related stress) and bring out their optimum academic performance, and to interested people in the academe and community that they may gain insights on this research to help people around them understand the possible impact of family-related stress to the acade mic performance of a student, and to other interested individuals that they may find knowledge on this research. Definition of Terms To further understand this research, below are terms used in the research.GWA (General Weighted Average). It is a term that refers to the average of grades in all subjects taken, whether passed or failed. It is the result of combining the performance rating based on the screening criteria or subject. It serves as the indicator of a student's academic performance in a given semester or school year. Stress. It is a term that defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Young Mans Song

Take a Chance The poem, The Young Man’s Song by William Butler Yeats creates an encouraging tone to convince people in taking a chance with love. The poem creates a symbolic meaning of taking a chance when the poem says, â€Å"Wherefore I threw a penny to find if I might love. † This line describes that people need to take a chance at love otherwise they may not get another chance. You have to throw the penny in order to take a chance. Go and love, go and love young man, If the lady be young and fair,† shows that the young man should go after this lady if she seems to be worth the effort. The young man should go after this lady before someone else does. This poem depicts the subject of love. The poem has an encouraging tone for people in love because it gives people hope that there is a chance for them to love. The mood is also similar because it is hopeful for the young man to gain love.These two help show the subject of the poem is love. This subject is shown in the theme by explaining that if you wait too long to go for love, then it may be too late. It is better to take a chance then to wait until it is too late. The poem describes how love cannot be understood fully by anyone so the goal should be to not become worried about love and to take a chance even if you’re not sure how it will end up.The poem says that a person would be thinking of love until the stars had run away which is describing how people may wait too long to express their love. This may mean that if you don’t take a chance now, then you may not get another chance in the future. The very end of the poem emphasizes this point when it says, â€Å"One cannot begin too soon. † This specific line gives the idea of throwing all your worries away and taking a chance because it is never too early to love.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Globalization - Essay Example The increase of emission of green house-gases to the atmosphere has been the current global environmental challenge since it is a reality that global temperatures are increasing and it is a fact that human activity has been a major cause of this environmental problem since the atmosphere is getting concentrated with green house gases (Kemp, 1994). Climate change is a fundamental issue that will continue to affect the health of the future generations. Most of the natural resources on earth are non-renewable while their demand is overwhelmingly high and as a result of increased human activity to balance this phenomenon; technology has been implemented to overcome the challenges presented by this threat but not without some consequences of green house gas emissions which have eventually resulted to global warming (Kemp, 1994). Recent research has proven that the world temperatures are rising due to the human-induced green house emissions especially carbon dioxide, which is emitted as a result of combustion of fossil fuels, agriculture, and land clearing (Hams, 2004). Even though this effect was discovered in 1824, it has with time increased to intricate levels thus raising an international environmental concern. The sensitivity of climate is commonly rated according to the response of the equilibrium level of the green house gases and it is usually measured according to the response of temperature with reference to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A minute increase in temperature can result to several global consequences like an increase in sea level as well as a dramatic change in precipitation patterns hence resulting to extreme weather conditions such as heat waves, draught, floods, tornados among others (Hams, 2004). As a result of environmental degradation, global warming is expected to continue even beyond 2100 and the rise of sea levels is also expected to continue past that time (Houghton, 1997). The effects of global warming negatively affe ct both the environment and human life through the rising sea levels, agricultural setbacks, ozone layer depletion, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather conditions, as well as the spread of diseases. It has been observed that the intensity, frequency, and power of hurricanes have increased annually from the 1970s and there has been a strong direct correlation between the tropical sea-surface temperature and the strength of the hurricanes. However, the relationship between global warming and hurricanes is still under controversy. A report released by the IPCC Working Group II confirmed that the consequences of global warming as a result of globalization has caused several deaths through extreme weather events like heat waves and flooding (Houghton, 1997). Primary and secondary consequences of global warming have been observed to influence human activities as well as ecological systems since some species have been forced out of their natural habitats as a result of unf avorable conditions presented by climate change (Hams, 2004). The life timing patterns have also changed thus affecting migration dates which create a predator-prey balance. As a result of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the ocean PH is reducing and this eventually leads to severe negative effects on coral reefs. The thawing of the tundra is another global environmental problem which has been on the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Religious Experiences and Text, Critical Analysis of Mark 10 4256 Essay

Religious Experiences and Text, Critical Analysis of Mark 10 4256 using Text Foccus Narrative Method - Essay Example Everything claimed has been inferred and interpreted by comparing what we know of the early Christian communities generally against the text itself. There are, however, broad lines of agreement on quite a few matters based upon clues found both in the text and in references to this gospel found in other exists. But undoubtedly, Mark is evidently true, being included in the most authoritative fourth-century early manuscripts (Codex Vaticanus) ( The World Book Encyclopedia , 1989). Before I go into the critical analysis of this particular passage, I will be discussing the method employed by this narrative. First, we must keep in mind that any literary analysis requires a concrete understanding of the genre it belongs to. The genre of gospels is one of the most difficult to interpret because almost all text represents both a literal and a spiritual meaning (Telford, W.R. 1995). Some gospels such as this one written by Mark, are intended to be read aloud as in a church sermon, rather than carefully studied in written form like a philosophy text ( Malbon, E. S. ,2002). This makes interpretation difficult because Biblical analyses are usually done by using written texts and typically attempt to identify large patterns of structure. For a text that is meant to be read aloud, however, what matters most are the connections that listeners make from one passage to the next. The material found in the texts of Mark must have been passed down, retold, and rearranged by mu ltiple people, but in the end someone put it into a final written form, something close to what we currently have, which bears the imprint of their own legacy skills. The author of Mark likes to use rhetorical devices, for example, repetition to highlight important ideas and a "sandwiching" technique that interweaves two different stories together in a manner that allows each to interpret and explain the other. This sandwiching technique is also called inclusion. There were two stories of healing the blind in Mark, the other story is in Mk 8:22-27. (Musso, A, Chapter 9, pg 2-3). The Gospel of Mark utilises the narrative style or method, if it will be studied according to the methods of literary critics. The narrative style or text consist of three elements namely, plot, setting, and the characters. These elements formed the basis of the narrative style of writing. In analyzing the passage of Mark 10:46-52, the plot of the story goes around a blind man named Bartimaues whose sight had been restored because of his faith. Characters in the passage includes Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, Jesus Christ who restored his sight, and the crowd present who try to silence Bartimaeus when he shouted for mercy so that Jesus would notice him. The setting of the story was a very public place in outskirt of Jericho, a town close in Jewish territory. (Musso, A, Chapter 8, pg 1, 9). Ultimately, though Mark represents the introduction of a new type of literature because nothing quite like it can be identified before early Christianity (Telford, W.R. 1995). It is very different from the collections of sayings or proverbs that can be found in other early Christian literature. Also, Mark is not meant to be a historical record of past events; instead, it is a series of events - structured in a manner to serve specific biblical goals and